social commentary: USER PAYS IS NOT DEMOCRATIC
It's Always Raining... (News Archive)
March 23, 2005

I’d like to pose a counter argument for anyone who says that the most democratic form of student union governance is in a ‘user pays’ system.

Most students make use of their student union’s services – whether it be in the form of a soccer club or childcare services or lounge. There are students that don’t utilize the services at all – true, but is this enough to justify that those who do use and need student services will be at a disadvantage, especially when this group is the majority?

The system of governance of a student union right now can be best described as a Social Democracy. Everyone chips in so that there is an abundance of services available and a support network whenever there is a need.

A user-pays system benefits very few people.

Look at a country like Finland. It’s a Social Democracy. The nation votes every four years to maintain a system whereby they pay very high taxes and in return, are covered for all the ups and downs that life may throw at them. Just because some people don’t believe that they are going to need free education, free healthcare and social benefits doesn’t mean that they don’t have to pay taxes. It’s a society – and because the overwhelming majority see the benefits of having a system where they are supported, all members of that society must pay.

A user-pays system would cut funding to the student union. Services such as discount books, student lounges, representation, tutoring, etc, would have to cut, and perhaps drastically – so, in effect, those who chose to join their student union would be getting much less value for the money they put in.

Democracy? How is it democratic that the minority is indulged and majority disadvantaged? It’s nice to think that everyone can do as they want – and that should be allowed – but when one’s actions affect others, it is not morally justifiable to act according to one’s whims. Otherwise, why would a country need a system of government? Why hold elections and choose these systems of governance if individuals can still follow any set of rules they wish to?

fon @ Wednesday, March 23, 2005 link to post * *