social commentary: Letter to a Newspaper in Bangkok
It's Always Raining... (News Archive)
June 26, 2005
Letter to a Newspaper in Bangkok

Dear Nation,

I'm a Thai International Student studying a degree in Law and Liberal Arts in Australia. For the past three months, it's been time to study and I was hoping, perhaps somewhat idealistically, that the political situation in Thailand would miraculously improve during my self-imposed oblivion from home news. How wrong I was.

I find it shocking to hear that the elected Thai MPs would be so oblivious to the very people that elected them, claiming openly "I'm ready to face public condemnation but I really had to do it". It really makes me wonder why I excercised my vote in the last elections.

I may have not supported the ruling party, but I would like to believe that whichever party is in power has the interests of the citizens at heart. I'd like to be able to say that my government supports me, or atleast majority of the society. However, I feel increasingly as though it's the citizens giving to the representatives and not the other way around, as it should be.

Hearing news of politicians "committing suicide" or radio showhosts being thrown off the air is disheartening. If I were to listen to my Singaporean friends here in Australia, I would feel that a paternalistic government is justified. I can see where the Singaporean's are coming from, though. They may have an openly undemocratic government - but atleast they can barter with their citizens "Democracy or succesful economy - you choose." There's not much pretense of democratic elections. But TRT cannot even offer economic stability to their citizens. As far as it looks, the way the government has spent money, the economy looks more like a glossy soap bubble, floating around ready to burst.

So just what is the government looking to give back to us?

A ranting, idealistic and disillusioned young voter,


fon @ Sunday, June 26, 2005 link to post * *